What is Eco-Cleaning?
”Eco-Cleaning” is a guestroom cleaning service designed to protect the global environment.
At Hotel Keihan Chain, we ask guests who stay for consecutive nights to cooperate with "Eco-cleaning" and reuse bed linen and amenities during their stay without cleaning the guest rooms or changing them. By doing so, we try to reduce CO2 emissions, water resources, electricity, and waste, and to contribute to global environment conservation.
Replacement of towels/bath mat
Replacement of nightwear
Collection of garbage in dustbox
Replacement of ashtrays
*only in smoking rooms
Cleaning of guest rooms
Replacement of bed linen (sheets, etc.)
Bed making
replenishment of amenities
How to Cooperate
If you would like to cooperate with “Eco-cleaning” at Hotel Keihan chain, please select "Eco-cleaning" on the tablet in your room or place a "Smile Eco" card on the outside of the door by 11:00 a.m. on the day of your stay.
*For hygienic reasons, "Eco-cleaning" is limited to two consecutive days, and the rooms will be cleaned as usual on the third day.

We offer mineral water to those who support and cooperate with the “Eco-cleaning.”
*Product image for illustration purposes only.